06 Mar 2018 National Builder Meeting and PAC Meeting
Preceding the National Builder Meeting, Ceco hosted its 2018 Presidents Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting from February 27th through March 1st at the oceanfront Diplomat Hotel. The purpose of this meeting is to define and refine what makes Ceco the best possible team to its Builders. 12 Ceco Builders and 7 Ceco team members discussed growth, steel pricing and Ceco company updates. Look for continued updates from Ceco as we work to accomplish a number of items expressed by our PAC members.
The 2018 National Builder Meeting was held in Hollywood, Florida at the Diplomat Hotel from March 1-4. Situated between Miami and Fort Lauderdale, this vibrant beachside destination played host to over 280 builders, vendors and Ceco personnel. Over the course of three days we enjoyed fellowship, shared fun and planned for the future with our Builders. We truly enjoy being able to host this event for our Builder community and look forward to our continued partnership with each and everyone of you.
President Tim Schrock expressed his sentiments on the 2018 Builder meeting, “It was great seeing our Business partners in Florida for our National Builders Meeting. Our theme was “Building for the Future” and our presenters and meeting content focused on this topic. We must prepare for the future on a daily basis as change is certain but progress is not. We must adapt to changing environments and track our progression every single day. If you don’t know where you are going, all roads will get you there. We must chart a path that allows us to “Build for the future”. In closing, our success is based upon the success of our Builders and Ceco is committed to partnering to create great building solutions every day.”