FisherHeck Architects
San Antonio Animal Care Facility
San Antonio, TX
"The original design called for conventional construction techniques in two large structures,” explains FisherHeck partner Carla Pierce, “but when the low bid from our general contractor was outside of our budget parameters, we knew we had to consider other options. Since all other buildings in the project were designed as custom-designed structures, changing two from conventional to custom-designed seemed a good direction. Ceco helped make the transition possible and helped maintain the design and functionality of the buildings. In fact, Ceco’s input on the overall roof system allowed us to preserve our design for a beautiful projecting eave without going over budget."
"Ceco offers a unique fast-track process that allows for smoother field construction and fewer conflicts when time is of the essence,” adds Michael Martinez. “With Ceco’s fast track, in as little as one day—or sometimes two on a really big project—the structural engineer, contractor and I can meet with Ceco’s team to review drawings, mark them up, take notes and revise them together, right on the spot. It really speeds up the whole process. I have personally worked with Ceco on two such projects, and I am very pleased with the results. The fast track process is a great success."
Carla Pierce, Partner, FisherHeck Architects
Michael Martinez