26 Jul Team Ceco wins big at Golf Tournament
Pictured left to right:
Jon Poulin, Scott Peters, Andy Gervasio, Bill Hawthorne
On July 19th, The MBCEA New England Chapter hosted its 28th Anniversary of the MBCEA-NEC Golf Tournament. The annual tournament was held at the Foxwoods Casino Lake of Isles in North Stonington, CT. A portion of the proceeds benefitted the Semper Fi Fund. Ceco Builders Jon Poulin of Poulin Construction Inc. in Sterling, Mass. and Andy Gervasio of Purington Building Systems Inc. in Cranston, R.I. were on Team Ceco. Ceco Building Systems also sponsored a tee on the course.
Of the 30 teams, Team Ceco took home 1st place! A huge thank you goes to our Builders who represented Ceco. Congrats team!