Posted on January 15, 2019 by Gregg Smith
People often have items that needs to be stored outside of their residence or business, so much so that there continues to be a strong demand to rent mini-storage units. Owners of these facilities obviously have choices in terms of the type of buildings that they can use to create these storage spaces, but for many good reasons, metal buildings are commonly the preferred choice. Let’s look at some of the popular mini-storage building scenarios and look closer at the benefits and features that metal offers in each.
Standard, Single Story Solutions
A common storage facility type is a single story metal-framed building with maintenance free low slope metal roofing and metal siding. The size of the building can be customized with a steel structural system that allows for a variety of storage bay widths and depths. Access to each storage unit is typically available directly to the exterior through a metal door that can be a standard overhead, garage style door, or a metal roll up door that does not require tracks on the ceiling, thus providing more storage space. Either type of door can be readily locked and secured and can be easily labeled for identification.
Climate Controlled, Multi-story Solutions
In some cases, particularly more urbanized areas, multi-story buildings make more financial sense for storage facilities. In many cases, these buildings are climate controlled for heating, air-conditioning and humidity levels. That often means different approaches to insulating the exterior walls and roof, but metal interior partitions and doors are often the norm. Metal allows for continuous, secure partitions to separate different storage units with a minimum of maintenance and a high degree of durability. Different gauge metal wall panels are available for different needs but they can readily be used in corridors to access the storage units as well as for dividing the units from each other.
Boat and RV Storage
In some cases, specialty storage needs are sought to store larger items such as boats, trailers, recreational vehicles, etc. In these cases, metal buildings again offer advantages since the structure can be easily custom-designed for taller heights and longer clear spans to allow for oversized items. Roll-up doors are again a benefit in this situation since they can be sized large enough to accommodate tall and wide vehicles. The economy of metal buildings allow them to be a truly viable option whether the need is for a single boat or vehicle or an entire fleet.
Storage Customizations and Accessories
Regardless of the type of mini-storage building needed, there are many options available from metal building and door manufacturers. Essentially, every building is treated as a custom design, so they are laid out and engineered to meet the specific needs of the building owner. Further, the metal roofing and siding is available in a wide range of profiles and colors allowing fully custom or distinctive “brand” appearances to be created.
There are also a variety of accessories that are available to suit the needs of metal buildings. Corner reinforcements, bumpers and similar components help protect the building against potential abuse or damage. Security enhancements such as burglar bars or horizontal reinforcements also help assure that tenants access their units only and they are protected from others accessing theirs. Natural lighting through translucent panels or windows are also an optional item that can be incorporated.
If you are interested in a mini-storage facility of any type and would like to explore further the many features and benefits of using metal buildings and doors for this unique building type, contact your local Ceco representative today!
People often have items that needs to be stored outside of their residence or business, so much so that there continues to be a strong demand to rent mini-storage units….